
New Publication out in Perspectives on Politics

A new paper, co-authored with Janika Spannagel from FU Berlin, will be published in Perspectives on Politics. This publication is open-access and can be accessed here:

New Publications

A new paper, co-authored with Aurel Croissant and Christoph Trinn (both Heidelberg University) will appear in Studies in Conflict & Terrorism . A pre-print is available on here.

Another paper – a research note together with two students – will appear in Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft. This publication is open-access and can be accessed at

New last name

In September 2023 I got married. Now I publish under my new name: Lars Lott

New Publications

My paper academic freedom and the onset of autocratization has been published with Democratization and can be found here:

A second new paper titled “Reanalyzing the Link between Democracy and Economic Development” has been published with Interantional Area Studies Review and can be found here: [25/06/2023]

New Blog Post

New Blog Post: Katrin Kinzelbach and I argue that the China Index ( ) is a welcome first step, but it is not without far-reaching flaws. [06/06/2023]

PhD defense

I passed my PhD defense in July 2021 with distinction (summa cum laude). My PhD thesis is available open access: [05/08/2021]

Frank Cass prize for best article by young scholar

My article “Inclusionary regimes, party institutionalization and redistribution under authoritarianism” published in Democratization (2020) has been awarded for the Frank Cass prize for the best article by young scholar. The article examines drivers of income redistribution in autocracies. Using data from 105 autocracies 1960-2016 I showed inclusionary ruling coalitions, and higher party institutionalization correlate with more redistribution. I was extremely happy when my fist solo-authored paper for my PhD project found a home in Democratization. Thanks to the reviewers and editors. [22/04/2021]

New Publication:

My paper on the link between women’s political inclusion and autocratic ruling party institutionalization has been published online first with Contemporary Politics and can be found here: [26/03/2021]

New Publication:

Our paper (with Aurel Croissant) on conceptualizing and measuring autocratization periods has been published online first with Swiss Political Science Review and can be found here: [26/03/2021]

Please also visit the interactive supplementary web application for further analysis and figures. It is interactive and you can find colorpleth world maps showing autocratization case between 1900 and 2019.