
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

[12]Lott, Lars, & Spannagel, Janika (2025). Quality Assessment of the Academic Freedom Index: Strengths, Weaknesses, and How Best to Use It. Perspectives on Politics. doi:10.1017/S1537592724001968.
Supplementary Material Replication Code: Harvard Dataverse Replication Code: Code Ocean Capulse Working Paper Version (2023)
[11]Lott, Lars (2024). Academic freedom growth and decline episodes. Higher Education, 88, 999–1017. doi:10.1007/s10734-023-01156-z.
Supplementary Material Replication Code R-Package EpisodeR
[10]Lott, Lars, Croissant, Aurel, & Trinn, Christoph. (2023). The Ambivalent Effect of Autocratization on Domestic Terrorism. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism. doi:10.1080/1057610X.2023.2270479.
Pre-Print Supplementary Material Replication Code
[9]Pelke, Lars. (2023). Reanalyzing the Link between Democracy and Economic Development. International Area Studies Review, 26 (4), 361-383. doi:10.1177/22338659231194945.
Supplementary Material Replication Code
[8]Pelke, Lars. (2023). Academic Freedom and the Onset of Autocratization. Democratization, 30 (6), 1015-1039. doi:10.1080/13510347.2023.2207213.
Supplementary Material Replication Code
[7]Croissant, Aurel & Pelke, Lars. (2022). Measuring Policy Performance, Democracy, and Governance Capacities: A Conceptual and Methodological Assessment of the Sustainable Governance Indicators (SGI). European Policy Review, 8 (2), 136-159. doi:10.1002/epa2.1141.
Supplementary Material Replication Code
[6]Pelke, Lars. (2021). Party institutionalization, authoritarian regime types and women’s political equality. Contemporary Politics, 27 (4), 461-486. doi:10.1080/13569775.2021.1908724.
Supplementary Material Replication Code
[5]Pelke, Lars & Aurel Croissant (2021). Conceptualizing and Measuring Autocratization Episodes. Swiss Political Science Review, 27 (2), 434-448. doi:10.1111/spsr.12437.
Supplementary Material Replication Code
[4]Pelke, Lars (2020). Inclusionary regimes, party institutionalization and redistribution under authoritarianism. Democratization, 27 (7), 1301–1323. doi:10.1080/13510347.2020.1786683.
Supplementary Material Replication Code Blog post Best article by young scholar
[3]Pelke, Lars (2020). Economic inequality, income, and their effects on electoral and civil society participation in authoritarian regimes. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, 14 (4), 269–297. doi:10.1007/s12286-020-00463-4.
Supplementary Material Replication Code
[2]Pelke, Lars & Friesen, Paul (2019). Democratization Articles Dataset: an introduction. Democratization, 26 (1), 140–160. doi:10.1080/13510347.2018.1504778.
Supplementary Material Replication Data
[1]Pelke, Lars & Croissant, Aurel (2018). Autokratische Redistribution - Institutionen, Legitimation und die Umverteilung von Einkommen in Nicht-Demokratien. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, 12 (3), 509–538. doi:10.1007/s12286-018-0392-y.

Articles in Journals

[4] Lott, Lars (2023). Expert:innendaten in der internationalen Menschenrechtsforschung am Beispiel des Academic Freedom Index. Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte. doi:10.46499/2236.2945.
Supplementary Material Replication Code
[3]Korell, Daniel & Reinecke, Niklas & Lott, Lars (2023). Student-Led Replication Studies in Comparative Politics: New findings by fresh eyes? Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft. doi:10.1007/s12286-023-00578-4.
Supplementary Material Replication Code
[2]Kinzelbach, Katrin & Pelke, Lars. (2022). Wie notwendig sind autonome Universitäten? Zum empirischen Zusammenhang der institutionellen und individuellen Wissenschaftsfreiheit. Forschung, 15 (3/4) (2022), 59-66.
Supplementary Material
[1]Pelke, Lars. (2022). Replikation als Lehrinstrument in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Methodenlehre. Der Praxiskurs Datenanalyse und Replikation. HINT – Heidelberg Inspirations for Innovative Teaching, 3 (2022), 117-140. doi:10.11588/hint.2022.1.92855.
Supplementary Material

Articles in Edited Volumes

[3]Lott, Lars & Croissant, Aurel (2024). Measuring Autocratization. In: The Routledge Handbook of Autocratization, eds. Aurel Croissant and Luca Tomini, Abingdon, UK, Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003306900-5
Supplementary Material Replication Data
[2]Croissant, Aurel & Pelke, Lars (2023). COVID-19 and Democracy: Creeping Autocratization?. In: Democracy, State-Capacity and the Governance of COVID-19 in Asia and Oceania, eds. Aurel Croissant and Olli Hellmann, London, UK, Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003362456-3
Supplementary Material Replication Data
[1]Croissant, Aurel & Pelke, Lars (2021). Democracy and Development in Asia. In: Elgar Research Handbook on Democracy and Development, eds. Gordon Crawford and Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai, Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar.
Supplementary Material Replication Data

Working Papers

[1]Croissant, Aurel & Lars Lott (2024). Democratic Resilience in the Twenty-First Century. Search for an analytical framework and explorative analysis. V-Dem Working Papers Series 2024:149


[5] Katrin Kinzelbach, Staffan I. Lindberg, Lott, Lars and Angelo V. Panaro (2025). Academic Freedom Index 2025 Update. FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg and V-Dem Institute. doi:10.25593/open-fau-1637.
[4] Katrin Kinzelbach, Staffan I. Lindberg, and Lott, Lars (2024). Academic Freedom Index 2024 Update. FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg and V-Dem Institute. doi:10.25593/open-fau-405.
[3] Katrin Kinzelbach, Staffan I. Lindberg, Pelke, Lars, and Janika Spannagel (2023). Academic Freedom Index 2023 Update. FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg and V-Dem Institute. doi:10.25593/opus4-fau-21630.
[2] Pelke, Lars, Janika Spannagel, and Katrin Kinzelbach (2022). Wissenschaftsfreiheit unter der Lupe: Weltweiter Trend und Mobilität nach und aus Deutschland. In: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, Forschung kompakt. doi:10.46685/DAADStudien.2022.11.
[1] Katrin Kinzelbach, Staffan I. Lindberg, Pelke, Lars, and Janika Spannagel (2022). Academic Freedom Index 2022 Update. FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg and V-Dem Institute. doi:10.25593/opus4-fau-18612.

Book Reviews and Datasets

[4]Pelke, Lars (2022). Book review of "Property without Rights. Origins and Consequences of the Property Rights Gap", by Michael Albertus. Cambridge University Press. 2021 Democratization. 29 (5), 976-978. doi:10.1080/13510347.2021.2019220.
[3]Pelke, Lars (2021). Book review of "Varieties of Democracy: Measuring Two Centuries of Political Change", by Michael Coppedge et al. Democratization, 28 (1), 258–259. doi:10.1080/13510347.2020.1729746.
[2]Pelke, Lars (2020). Book review of "When soldiers rebel", by Kristin A. Harkness. Democratization, 26 (5), 890–892. doi:10.1080/13510347.2019.1569630.
[1]Pelke, Lars & Friesen, Paul (2018). Democratization Articles Dataset. Harvard Dataverse, Version 1. doi:10.7910/DVN/GJIADC.

Op-Eds and Blog Posts

[4]Pelke, Lars & Kinzelbach, Katrin (2023). The China Index: how (not) to measure China’s autocratic influence. ECPR The Loop. Blog Post [Link].
[3]Pelke, Lars & Kinzelbach, Katrin (2022). So steht es um die Wissenschaftsfreiheit. In. IMPULSE. Das Magazin der Volkswagenstiftung Op-Ed [Link].
[2]Pelke, Lars (2022). Index der Wissenschaftsfreiheit. BIOspektrum , 22 (2), 121. Short Article
[1]Pelke, Lars (2021). Why autocrats redistribute income and wealth. ECPR The Loop. Blog Post [Link].